Marketing Plan
3.1. Description of key products and services
What is it and how do
Here you should describe the main items to be manufactured, sold
or services to be provided. Tell what
product lines, specifying details such as size,
model, color, flavors, packaging, presentation, labeling,
brand, etc. If necessary, photograph products and place
photos as supporting documentation to the end of your plan
For service businesses, tell which services will be provided,
their characteristics and the guarantees offered.
Remember that the quality of the product is that the consumer
sees. When you decide to improve a product or
service, always think from the point of view of the client.
SEBRAE source
Comments ...
Many entrepreneurs do not care much about the quality of services provided, unfortunately some small business owners still live in the time of "grocery store" and to forget that the customer is required fizelizar quality, good service, price, term, with an efficient post sale.
Quer vender mais? Fidelizar seu cliente? Cativar o cliente é muito mais do que fazê-lo voltar, é fazê-lo indicar outros com propaganda boca a boca positiva. Saiba como motivar seus funcionários para encantar o cliente, percebendo qual sua real necessidade, motivações. Nós daremos dicas de como alcançar suas metas com a elaboração de um plano de negócio ajustado com as suas necessidades, analisando as oportunidades e ameaças do ambiente interno e externo.
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