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terça-feira, 7 de outubro de 2014

by palestrantesa
05 / Nov / 2013 at 18: 51h
By Alexandre Slivnik

"The premises of Disney are collaborating to think about what he thinks the customer (or guest, as they call their clients) understand that a model of excellence is based on a tripod:.. Teamwork, leadership and communication Disney has a strategy which assists in maintaining and spreading their culture with all people working in the company: hiring, training, recognition and reinforcement of each employee. "
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Unfortunately in many countries this is not primissa adopted as companies not spotting your first funionários as collaborators, and second, many do not recognize the efforts of employees, many have the idea that if the employee does not "perform well" have others in the market for take his place.

Ledo mistake because expended for demicionários charges, and training new employees, this view should be adopted in Disney difundada in all organizations, only when they realize the strength of employees, may be more successful.

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