quinta-feira, 16 de março de 2017

Networking - ON LINE - exchanging information to overcome the crisis.

Good Morning!

We live in times of crisis, today more than ever we need unity to overcome the tidal wave in which we are immersed.

However, it is necessary that each contribute to the collective well-being, because only then will everyone win. With that in mind I thought ...

I am willing to give my share of contribution to small entrepreneurs, and I call on all micro and small entrepreneurs and those who intend to join us and form a group to study the main problems faced in attracting new clients, in maintaining existing ones , And how we can retain customers, etc ...

How would this happen? I thought we formed a group at WhatsApp with the purpose of asking questions, telling us success stories and giving suggestions on how to improve profitability, service, and find solutions for each case. (Being the group formed we would mark a day and a better time for all to open the studies)

Each participant in the group would tell their story, their doubts and who had already experienced a similar situation would tell the solution presented, so together we would seek solutions.

In addition to the information collected in practice by each entrepreneur I would also contribute my help with the consultancy.

This may not be the best proposal the best suggestion, however I believe we will be contributing, doing our part for a collective good where everyone can profit.

Anyone who is willing to engage in this venture please contact me by e-mail so that we can trace the steps of the project.


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