quinta-feira, 13 de agosto de 2015

Changing the culture - creating a differential - seeking partnership.

Good Morning!

It is very easy to put the blame for the failure of our enterprise in crisis or in government, the more we are doing significantly to change? what we are doing to win the customer even in this time of difficulty?

We are looking for innovative solutions or even the old solutions to innovate, to dare to do differently? or find that loyalty, or have a good service, create a differential, not something important, because we already have a name in the market.

Once the prospect a possible client received a response at least curious to the present day, she said "I have no need, because I'm in this market 20 years," more is it?
then mean we can stay stagnant, waiting for the boat to sink or is there really a need to go through serious difficulties only because we already have several years on the market?

So summon all who do not conform to the sameness, and want to create a competitive asset, we form a group to discuss ideas and create new proposals for the common good, regardless of the type of product or service that we will play .

For further information contact: jlcconsultoria07@gmail.com.

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